Commission a Multi-Powerwall 3 System

Designate the Powerwall 3 Leader

The Powerwall 3 connected to the Backup Gateway / Backup Switch / Gateway 3 over 12V/CAN wiring is designated as the Leader Powerwall 3. Before connecting to any Powerwall 3, note which unit is the Leader; any other unit(s) are Followers.

Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
As described in the following procedures, only commission and register the Leader Powerwall 3. Do not attempt to commission or register any Follower units.

Connect to Each Powerwall 3 and Update Software to Version 23.44.1 or Later

For EACHPowerwall 3 (including Leader and Follower(s)):
  1. Connect to the Powerwall 3 in the Tesla One Device Setup interface. See Launch Device Setup in Tesla One for instructions.
  2. Select Networking from the landing page and connect to a reliable Wi-Fi network (if one has not already been configured). See Configure Internet Connection for instructions.
  3. Select Software, then Check for Update and allow the system to download and install the update. See Update Powerwall 3 Software for instructions.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Each unit must be on software version 23.44.1 (or later).
  4. Wait for the unit to reboot after the update is complete.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Do not perform any other commissioning steps on any Follower unit!

Connect to Leader and "Scan for Devices" to Pair Follower(s)

Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
Before you pair a Follower unit, ensure that each Powerwall 3 is on software version . See Launch Device Setup in Tesla One and Update Powerwall 3 Software to find the software version. If a Powerwall 3 is on an earlier version, update the software, and do not perform any other commissioning steps on any Follower unit.
  1. Connect to the Leader Powerwall 3 in the Tesla One Device Setup interface. See Launch Device Setup in Tesla One for instructions.
  2. On the landing page, select Stop System.
  3. Select System > Scan for Devices.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    Confirm all Follower units appear before proceeding. A green checkmark indicates the device has successfully paired. If the Follower unit does not appear, it has not successfully paired (see Troubleshooting: Follower unit does not appear on the Devices page after selecting Scan for Devices).
  4. While connected to the Leader Powerwall 3, return to the landing page and select Start System.
  5. Wait for all device firmware updates to complete (to view progress, select System then review the Devices tab).
  6. Confirm there are no alerts and both solar and battery are operating for all Powerwall 3 units.
  7. Perform Backup Test to confirm the system is operating as expected. See Perform Backup Test for instructions.
  8. Select Registration and register the system to the customer.
    Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
    This will register the Leader Powerwall 3 and any Follower(s) to the customer.

After Pairing Followers, Update All Units if Needed

After Follower units have been paired with the Leader Powerwall 3, it is possible to update all units (Leader and Follower(s)) while connected to the Leader Powerwall 3.

Troubleshooting a Multi-Powerwall 3 System

See Troubleshooting a Multi-Powerwall 3 System for common issues when commissioning a multi-Powerwall 3 system, and troubleshooting steps to resolve them.