AC-Coupled Solar System Sizing
- Less equipment required for DC-coupled solar, resulting in reduced system cost
- Increased efficiency for DC-coupled solar
- Low energy management during a grid outage

For systems with AC-coupled solar only, a maximum of 7.68 kW AC per Powerwall is allowed in the backup circuit (the smaller of AC inverter rating or DC system size1).
1The 7.68 kW PV to Powerwall ratio was put in place to protect the Powerwall system from excessive PV power during a grid outage. 7.68 kWis used because it is a common solar inverter size, allowing more PV systems to be fully backed up without needing to be split apart, and inverters don’t always produce their maximum power. This ratio does not prevent all issues; Powerwall’s maximum charge rate is 5 kW under ideal conditions (notably operating temperature). If there is more than 5 kW of excess PV per Powerwall, the system will frequency shift to try to reduce PV power, and may have to shut PV production down completely.
Options to avoid exceeding the ratio:
- Increase number of Powerwalls on site
- Utilize Tesla Brand Solar Device for all PV on site to avoid PV to Powerwall ratio
- Split PV Inverter Point of Interconnection, In / Out of backup (confirm with local AHJ that this practice is accepted)
- Downsize PV to meet ratio
- Shed part of the PV system using grid dependent relays/contactors
Powerwall Qty | Maximum continuous output of solar array (kW) | Examples | Explanation |
1 | 7.68 | 10 kW DC solar on 7.68 kW AC inverter | Allows solar over 7.68 kW DC because the output will be capped to 7.68 kW AC by the (overdriven) inverter. The Powerwall will not see more than 7.68 kW solar. |
7.68 kW DC solar on 10 kW AC inverter | While the inverter is capable of 10 kW AC, the 7.68 kW DC solar array will not produce more than 7.68 kW AC solar. | ||
2 | 15.36 | 20 kW DC solar on (2) 7.68 kW AC inverters | Allows solar over 15.36 kW DC because the total output will be capped to 15.36 kW AC by the (overdriven) inverters. |
15.36 kW DC solar split between (1) 6 kW AC inverter and (1) 10 kW AC inverter | The 16 kW AC combined output of the inverters can exceed 15.36 kW because the 15.36 kW DC solar array will not produce more than 15.36 kW AC solar. Note that the solar does not need to be evenly split in the ratio; instead, consider the total output. |