Additional Metering Configurations for Permanent Non-Export Systems

Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
See Appendix A: Powerwall+ and Powerwall 3 Permanent Non-Export for more information on installing metering for a permanent non-export system. The following diagrams are simply additional examples of permanent non-export metering configurations.

Example 1: Powerwall+ Permanent Non-Export System with Only Controlled Solar

Figure 1. Powerwall+ with Backup Switch
Energy to be Metered Meter CT(s) Meter Configuration
Site backup loads Backup Switch Meter Z Backup Switch Meter Z Preconfigured as Meter Z: Site
Powerwall+ Solar generation Factory-installed Neurio meter Factory-installed Neurio 200 A CT Meter paired with Powerwall+ and CT field-configured as Neurio Meter: SolarCTx2
Figure 2. Powerwall+ with Backup Gateway 2
Table 1. Powerwall+ with Backup Gateway 2
Energy to be Metered Meter CT(s) Meter Configuration
Site loads (backup and non-backup Field-installed Neurio meter Field-installed 200 A Neurio CTs Meter paired with Powerwall+ and CT field-configured as Neurio Meter: Site
Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
In this example, the Backup Gateway 2 Meter X CTs must be configured as NONE.
Powerwall+ Solar generation Factory-installed Neurio meter Factory-installed Neurio 200 A CT Meter paired with Powerwall+ and CT field-configured as Neurio Meter: SolarCTx2

Example 2: Permanent Non-Export System with Uncontrolled Solar Configured for Non-Export

Figure 3. Powerwall+ with Backup Switch
Energy to be Metered Meter CT(s) Meter Configuration
Site loads (backup and non-backup Field-installed Neurio meter Field-installed 200 A Neurio CTs Meter paired with Powerwall+ and CT field-configured as Neurio Meter: Site
Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
In this example, the Backup Switch Meter Z CTs must be configured as NONE.
Powerwall+ Solar generation Factory-installed Neurio meter Factory-installed Neurio 200 A CT Meter paired with Powerwall+ and CT field-configured as Neurio Meter: SolarCTx2
Third party Solar generation Field-installed Neurio meter Field-installed 200 A Neurio CTs Meter paired with Powerwall+ and CT field-configured as Neurio Meter: SolarCTx2
Third party Site loads Third party Site meter Third party Site CTs Configured by inverter installer to measure Site
Figure 4. Powerwall+ with Backup Gateway 2
Energy to be Metered Meter CT(s) Meter Configuration
Site backup loads Backup Gateway 2 Meter X Backup Gateway 2 Meter X Preconfigured as Meter X: Site
Site non-backup loads Backup Gateway 2 Meter Y* Field-installed Tesla 100 A CTs Field-configured as Meter Y: Site
Powerwall+ Solar generation Factory-installed Neurio meter Factory-installed Neurio 200 A CT Meter paired with Powerwall+ and CT field-configured as Neurio Meter: SolarCTx2
Third party Solar generation Backup Gateway 2 Meter Y* Field-installed Tesla 100 A CT Field-configured as Meter Y: SolarCTx2
Third party Site loads Third party Site meter Third party Site CTs Configured by inverter installer to measure Site

*If the non-backup loads and/or third party solar were greater than 100 A, or if they were greater than 330 ft (100 m) from Backup Gateway 2, a field-installed Neurio meter and CTs would be required to monitor them.

Example 3: Permanent Non-Export System with Uncontrolled Solar NOT Configured for Non-Export

Figure 5. Powerwall+ with Backup Switch
Energy to be Metered Meter CT(s) Meter Configuration
Site backup loads Backup Switch Meter Z Backup Switch Meter Z Preconfigured as Meter Z: Site
Site non-backup loads (not present in example diagram above) Field-installed Neurio meter Field-installed 200 A Neurio CTs Meter paired with Powerwall+ and CT field-configured as Neurio Meter: Site
Powerwall+ Solar generation Factory-installed Neurio meter Factory-installed Neurio 200 A CT Meter paired with Powerwall+ and CT field-configured as Neurio Meter: SolarCTx2
Third party Solar generation Field-installed Neurio meter Field-installed 200 A Neurio CTs Meter paired with Powerwall+ and CT field-configured as Neurio Meter: SolarCTx2
Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
In this configuration, a system operating in Permanent Non-Export mode meets the requirements of UL 3141 - 8.8.5 NEM Integrity Mode, such that the net export of the combined third party and Powerwall systems will not exceed the real time output of the third party system.
Energy to be Metered Meter CT(s) Meter Configuration
Site backup loads Backup Gateway 2 Meter X Backup Gateway 2 Meter X Preconfigured as Meter X: Site
Site non-backup loads Backup Gateway 2 Meter Y* Field-installed Tesla 100 A CTs Field-configured as Meter Y: Site
Powerwall+ Solar generation Factory-installed Neurio meter Factory-installed Neurio 200 A CT Meter paired with Powerwall+ and CT field-configured as Neurio Meter: SolarCTx2
Third party Solar generation Backup Gateway 2 Meter Y* Field-installed Tesla 100 A CT Field-configured as Meter Y: SolarCTx2

*If the non-backup loads and/or third party solar were greater than 100 A, or if they were greater than 330 ft (100 m) from Backup Gateway 2, a field-installed Neurio meter and CTs would be required to monitor them.