About Tesla Remote Energy Meter
Tesla Remote Energy Meter Overview
Tesla Remote Energy Meter is
connected to the system Site
Controller wirelessly (any Site Controller) or via an RS-485
wiring harness (Powerwall 3 or
Backup Gateway 2 only).
At the time of publication, Tesla Remote Energy Meter has (3) CT terminals:
CT4 functionality will be available at a later date.
Tesla Remote Energy Meter LED
Tesla Remote Energy Meter has an LED
which indicates the following status:
Solid green ON | Powered and operational |
About Voltage Taps and Current Transformer Connections
The Remote Energy Meter functions
by measuring voltage (by voltage tap) and current (by Current
Transformer, or CT) at certain points in the system. For the meter
to function correctly, the following are critical:
- The Remote Energy Meter voltage line harness leads must be connected to the correct phases
- The CTs
must be placed around conductors of the correct
- CT1 = L1
- CT2 = L2
- CT3 = L2
Install the Tesla Remote Energy Meter and CTs describes how to perform these steps correctly, but the following diagrams illustrate some high level correct and incorrect meter / CT installations.