Appendix A: Powerwall 3 Anchoring Details


Table 1. Mounting Design Guidelines Based on Seismic and Wind Speed Conditions
Ground- or Wall-mount Powerwall 3 with Wall Bracket Ground-mount Powerwall 3 on Poured Concrete Ground-mount Powerwall 3 on Poured Concrete with Steel Posts
Wall and Foundation Existing structural wall and existing approved foundation Existing structural wall and poured concrete foundation Poured concrete with steel posts
Seismic Design Category A, B, C, D, or E A, B, C, or D A, B, C, or D
Max Wind Speed

180 mph
Exposure Category C

180 mph
Exposure Category C

180 mph
Exposure Category C

Installation Information Installation instructions Installation instructions (A10 - A11) Installation instructions and anchoring details (A12 - A15)
Anchoring details (A6 - A9) Anchoring details (A6 - A9)
The following conditions will require additional site-specific evaluation by the installing company's structural designer or other qualified person acceptable to the Authority Having Jurisdiction (AHJ):
  • Wind Exposure Category D
  • Wind speeds greater than 180 mph
  • Poured concrete pad information included in the installation manual are required minimums. Contractors can work with a third party structural designer or other qualified person acceptable to the AHJ for further considerations on the new foundation
  • If needed, reference ICC codes and referenced ASCE 7 standards for design criteria