Inspect the Meter Panel
Before installing the Backup Switch in the new meter panel, perform the following inspection steps, documenting with photos throughout the inspection.
If inspecting the meter
panel after installing it, service equipment may still be live even though circuits have
been turned off and are not under load. Wear all electrical PPE as defined in Required Tools.
Inspect Meter Panel Jaw Alignment
If the meter socket jaws have plastic insulating guides:
- Hold the Backup Switch up to the meter socket and visually inspect the alignment of blades to jaws.
- If one or more jaws are misaligned with the Backup Switch blades, adjust the plastic insulating guides using fully insulated tools.

Inspect for gaps between each set of jaws:
Inspect each set of jaws and ensure none of them has a pronounced gap between the jaws.
If any set of jaws has a pronounced gap, do not install Backup Switch on the meter panel.
Confirm the Meter Panel is in Good Health
- Confirm the jaws have no signs of damage, arcs, or misalignment
- Confirm the enclosure is not damaged by rust or corrosion
- Confirm there are no signs of water ingress
If the meter panel displays damage or is otherwise not in good health as defined above, stop the installation and replace the meter panel before installing Backup Switch.