Frequency Ride-Through

The inverter has three under-frequency (UF) and three over-frequency (OF) trip points and times, as well as one under-frequency instantaneous trip point and one over-frequency instantaneous trip point. These parameters are configurable to the ranges listed below:

Table 1. Inverter Frequency Trip Points
Parameter Voltage Range Default Values (p.u.) Time (s)
LFRT Point 1 240V/208V 95.5 2
LFRT Point 2 240V/208V 57 0.13
LFRT Point 3 240V/208V 57 0.13
HFRT Point 1 240V/208V 60.5 2
HFRT Point 2 240V/208V 62 0.13
HFRT Point 3 240V/208V 62 0.13

The Frequency Ride-Through (FQRT) settings are pre-programmed in the inverter to comply with IEEE 1547 requirements as per the defaults below:

Table 2. Inverter FQRT Default Settings
Function Frequency (Hz) Clearing Time (s)
UF1 < 57 0.16
UF2 < 59.5 2
OF1 > 60.5 2
OF2 > 62 0.16
Table 3. Inverter FQRT Default Settings
Operating Region Frequency at Point of Interconnection Operating Mode Ride-Through Until (s) Default Maximum Trip Time (s) Range of Adjustability Frequency Range of Adjustability Clearing Time (s)
OF2 f>64.0 Permissive Operation None 0.16 62.0-66.0 0.16-1,000
f>65.0 [L+M]
OF1 64.0≥f>63.0 Mandatory Operation (Freq-watt) 20 21 61.0-66.0 21-1,000
NOF 63.0≥f>60.0 Continuous Operation (Freq-Watt) Indefinite N/A N/A N/A
NUF 60.0>f≥57.0 Continuous Operation Indefinite N/A N/A N/A
UF1 57.0>f≥56.0 Mandatory Operation 20 21 50.0-59.0 21-1,000
UF2 56.0>f Permissive Operation None 0.16 50.0-57.0 0.16-1,000