Configuring Energy Meters

Conduct all CT tests with at least 1 kW of power flowing.
Ensure all solar inverters are monitored with CTs.
When using only 1 CT for solar, select Solar (1CT x2) on the Meter page during device setup.
For each CT, select the applicable function on the Current Transformers screen and perform the following steps to ensure it is in the correct location and orientation:
  • Adjust the Amps/kW slider to see what the CTs are reading.
  • Verify the on-screen values for the CT against the applicable meter (such as the solar inverter meter or utility meter).
  • Ensure that Solar CTs are positive when the PV array is producing power (Solar is NEVER negative during daytime).
Negative power flow may indicate CT is installed on the wrong phase!
  • If the “toward source” CT label is correctly facing the solar inverter but power flow is negative, a voltage-current mismatch is likely.
  • Physically move the CT to the correct phase with the label facing the correct direction. Do not use the Flip checkbox in this case.
Solar CTs should only meter generation sources. It is never recommended to meter both generation and loads using the Solar (1 CT x2) option. If it is absolutely necessary to install solar and a small amount of loads together without independent metering, you must install the solar CT on the phase without any downstream loads.
Use a handheld clamp or fork meter to verify CT readings.