Other Function Parameters

Table 1. SA11 Normal Ramp Parameters
Description Value
Output current rating (Aac) 32/16
Minimum normal ramp-up rate (%Irated / sec) 1
Maximum normal ramp-up rate (%Irated / sec) 100
Output current range of function (%Irated) 0% to 100%
Ramp rate accuracy (%Irated / sec) 2%
Table 2. SA11 Soft Ramp Parameters
Description Value
Output current rating (Aac) 32/16
Minimum normal ramp-up rate (%Irated / sec) 0.1
Maximum normal ramp-up rate (%Irated / sec) 100
Output current range of function (%Irated) 0% to 100%
Ramp rate accuracy (%Irated / sec) 2%
Table 3. SA12 Specified Power Factor Parameters
Description Value
Apparent power rating (VA) 7600/3800
Output power rating (W) 7600/3800
DC Input voltage range with SPF enabled (Vdc) 185-515
Nominal AC voltage (Vac) 240/208
AC voltage range with SPF enabled (Vac) (211.2-264), (183.04-228.8)
Active power range of function (W) 0-7600,0-3800
Manufacturer's stated Power Factor accuracy ±0.01
Power factor settling time (sec) 0.04
Minimum Inductive (underexcited) Power Factor 0.9
Minimum Capacitive (overexcited) Power Factor 0.9
Table 4. SA13 Volt/Var Parameters
Description Value
Apparent power rating (VA) 5769 5000 2884 2500
Reactive power rating (VAR) (Reactive Power Priority) 5769 5000 2884 2500
Output power rating (W) 7600 6600 3800 3300
EUT Input voltage range with Q(V) function enabled (Vdc) N/A
Nominal AC EPS voltage (V) 240 208 240 208
AC EPS voltage range with function enabled (Vac) 196.8 – 283.2 170.3-245.4 196.8 – 283.2 170.3-245.4
Reactive Power Accuracy (% or Var) ±2.5%
Ramp Rate range (VAr/sec) 5769 - 32.2 5000-27.90 2884-16 2500-14
Max rated reactive Power (capacitive, overexcited) (VAr) - 5769 5000 2884 2500
Max rated reactive Power (inductive, underexcited) (VAr) 5769 5000 2884 2500
Maximum slope (VAr/V) 1200
Deadband Range (Vac) 0 - 48
Settling Time (sec) 1-90
Max rated reactive Power (capacitive, overexcited) (VAr) (Active Power Priority) 5769 5000 2884 2500
Max rated reactive Power (inductive, underexcited) (VAr) (Active Power Priority) 5769 5000 2884 2500
Table 5. SA14 Frequency-Watt Parameters
Description Value
Output power rating (W) 7600 6600 3800 3300
Nominal AC EPS voltage (V) 240 208 240 208
AC frequency range with function enabled (Hz) 60.017 - 65
Manufacturer's stated frequency measurement accuracy 0.05
Manufacturer's state power accuracy (%) ±5
Settling Time (sec) 0.5 to 3
Adjustment range of the start of frequency droop (Hz) 60.017 - 65
Rate of return (%Prated/sec) 1% - 100%
Delay before return to full power (sec) 1 – 600
Use of hysteresis Yes
Table 6. SA15 Volt-Watt Parameters
Description Value
Output power rating (W) 7600 6600 3800 3300
AC voltage range with function enabled 247.2 – 288 214.24 – 249.6 247.2 – 288 214.24 – 249.6
Nominal AC voltage (Vac) 240
Manufacturer's stated AC voltage accuracy (Vac) ±2%
Manufacturer's stated output power accuracy (%) ±3%
Manufacturer's stated time accuracy (sec) 0.1sec

The above values are used to comply with all applicable source requirements documents (UL 1741 Supplement SA – Grid Support Utility Interactive Inverters and Converters, Sept. 7, 2016 with the source requirements document (SRD) v1.1–Hawaii Rule No. 14H Interconnection of Distributed Generating Facilities with the Distribution System; Electric Rule No.21-2015 Generating Facility Interconnections; PRC-024-2 Generator Frequency and Voltage Protective Relay Settings; Inverter Source Requirement Document of ISO New England) and any related features required therein.