Configure Wired Tesla Remote Energy Meter
- Confirm Tesla Remote Energy Meter is powered on (indicated by flashing green LED).
- Log in to Tesla One and connect to the Powerwall 3, then confirm the following minimum software versions:
- If the system is running, select
- Select System, then select
the Metering tab and select
Detect Wired
Meters. The Tesla Remote Energy Meter should automatically appear.
- Select Remote Meter
and configure the CT(s) as Site or Solar, depending on what they are measuring.
- On the landing page, select Start System. The meter may
update its firmware, which may take up to 5 minutes (track the meter's update
progress by selecting System
> Metering tab).
- Review the meter vitals to confirm the CT(s) have been installed and configured correctly.
Issue: Remote Meter is "Unable to Read Data"
- The meter may be performing a firmware update. Wait 5 minutes before proceeding.
- Confirm the RS-485 wiring polarity is correct at the Powerwall 3 TACO (see Install the Tesla Remote Energy Meter and CTs )
- Confirm there is continuity between each leg (positive and negative) of the RS-485 wires
- On the landing page, Stop System then Start System again
- Try power cycling the meter (turn the meter breaker OFF then back ON)