Configure Wired Tesla Remote Energy Meter

  1. Confirm Tesla Remote Energy Meter is powered on (indicated by flashing green LED).
  2. Log in to Tesla One and connect to the Powerwall 3, then confirm the following minimum software versions:
    • Tesla One version version 12.19.1 or later
    • Powerwall software version 24.28.12-rm-5 or later
  3. If the system is running, select Stop System.
  4. Select System, then select the Metering tab and select Detect Wired Meters. The Tesla Remote Energy Meter should automatically appear.
  5. Select Remote Meter and configure the CT(s) as Site or Solar, depending on what they are measuring.
  6. On the landing page, select Start System. The meter may update its firmware, which may take up to 5 minutes (track the meter's update progress by selecting System > Metering tab).
  7. Review the meter vitals to confirm the CT(s) have been installed and configured correctly.


Issue: Remote Meter is "Unable to Read Data"

  • The meter may be performing a firmware update. Wait 5 minutes before proceeding.
  • Confirm the RS-485 wiring polarity is correct at the Powerwall 3 TACO (see Install the Tesla Remote Energy Meter and CTs)
  • Confirm there is continuity between each leg (positive and negative) of the RS-485 wires
  • On the landing page, Stop System then Start System again
  • Try power cycling the meter (turn the meter breaker OFF then back ON)