Quick Guide: Performing Powerwall 3 Device Setup in Tesla One
Log in to Tesla One & Connect to the Site Controller (Powerwall 3)
Log in to Tesla One and enter the Tesla Device Setup flow. Follow prompts to scan the QR code on Powerwall 3 to connect to the system.
Tesla Direct Installer Sign-in
Certified Installer Sign-in
Update Tesla One
Update Tesla One to version 12.1 or later.
Configure Wi-Fi Connection
Connect the system to the homeowner's Wi-Fi network. This is a best practice, and is required in areas where cellular service is weak.
Check for Software Update
If a Site Controller update is available, update the system to ensure it is running the latest software version (ensure a minimum version of 23.44.1).
Configure Settings
Configure the system Grid Code and Solar Installation Type, and Site Import & Export Limits if applicable.
Configure Energy Metering
- View live measurements from each meter, including solar production
- Select meters to configure their CTs
Start System, Allow Devices to Update and Solar Self-Tests to Complete, and Confirm Solar is Producing
After selecting Start System, select System to view the status of each device update.
Perform a Backup Test
Perform a Backup Test to confirm the system operates as expected when off-grid.
Register the System
Tesla Direct Installer Registration
Tesla installers can register the system automatically so long as the job is on their schedule in Tesla One.