Optional: Set Import & Export Limits

To select site import or export permissions, and/or to set site import or site export limits, select Settings > Import & Export Limits.

See the Power Control System (PCS) Features for Powerwall Systems application note for more information on Site Import & Export Limits.

Site Import Permissions and Limit

Site Import Permissions determine whether Powerwall is allowed to charge from the grid. The default setting is to allow grid charging, except in instances where the customer does not own their system or the utility is restrictive.

Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
This setting is separate from the Grid Charging setting in the customer mobile app, which may overrule the installer setting for ITC reasons.
The Site Import Limit determines the amount of power (in Watts) that can be imported at the site meter. The default is a very high value, but a limit can be set to prevent breaker tripping. For example:
  • A home has six Powerwalls which charge from the grid at 5 kW each, for a total of 30 kW (125 A)
  • The home has a 100 A (24 kW) main breaker
  • The installer sets the Site Import Limit to 20,000 W (83 A) to prevent the main breaker from tripping

Site Export Permission and Limit

Site Export Permissions determine what is allowed to export to the grid (the options are Default (Solar Only), Permanent Non Export, and Solar and Battery).

Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
Permanent Non Export is different from the Permission to Export setting in the customer mobile app, which is intended to be used temporarily while a Powerwall+ customer is waiting for Permission to Operate (PTO). See the Advanced Settings support page for more information.

The Site Export Limit determines the amount of power (in Watts) that can be exported to the grid. This setting is used to protect breakers, or where the utility imposes a limit.

Site Import and Export Permissions Where PCS Operating Mode is Required

Where a PCS operating mode of Import Only or Export Only is required (occurs when the utility is PG&E, SDG&E, or SCE AND there is greater than 10kW AC of battery power installed), the PCS Import/Export Controls are used. This control is set automatically, and can be confirmed as follows:
  1. From the Settings screen, select Advanced Settings.
  2. Select PCS Settings.
  3. Select Import/Export Controls.
  4. Confirm the appropriate mode has been selected.
When the PCS Import/Export Controls are used, the Site Import and Site Export Permissions are automatically set as follows:
Site Import PermissionSite Export Permission
Import Only ModeCharge from Grid AllowedDefault (Solar Only)
Export Only ModeCharge from Grid DisallowedSolar and Battery
Informational PurposesAn informational icon, calling your attention
If the PCS Import/Export Controls have been set and an installer attempts to use the non-PCS Import or Export Limit controls (available directly from Settings screen), Tesla One will warn them not to use both limit types.